Black Moor Goldfish (Care Guide)

pet fish with dark coloring

Starting an aquarium with Black Moor Goldfish can provide enjoyment and some challenges. This fish species is known for its black scales and big eyes. Black Moors are generally easy to care for, but they do require specific tank conditions, food, and social settings.

Proper care for these fish involves understanding their unique needs and behaviors. It’s important to create a suitable environment to maintain their health and well-being.

Essential Characteristics

The Black Moor goldfish is distinguished by its black metallic scales, prominent bulging eyes, and long, flowing fins. They can live between 10 to 15 years with proper care, showing their resilience and long lifespan.

These goldfish usually grow to 7 to 8 inches and require a large aquarium or pond to accommodate their size.


Black Moor Goldfish are known for their shiny black scales and large, bulging eyes. Their bodies are round and egg-shaped. They have long, flowing fins and are typically black, but may develop orange spots as they grow, particularly in warm water.

These fish can grow to be 7 to 8 inches long and need a spacious environment to thrive.


The Black Moor goldfish typically lives for 10 to 15 years, but with proper care, it can live longer. This variety requires a diet of quality food, including live food, regular tank maintenance, and disease prevention to achieve a long lifespan.

Without proper care, their lifespan may be reduced. With attentive care starting from when they are young, at about two years old, Black Moor goldfish can live to be over 20 years old.


Black Moor Goldfish need a large enough environment to grow, ranging from 1.5 to 4.5 inches. A proper tank size helps prevent health problems and allows for comfortable movement. These goldfish, with their unique eyes and fins, need space to swim and interact with other fish.

A big tank is important for their health and growth.

Aquarium Setup Essentials

To properly house Black Moor Goldfish, a tank of at least 20 gallons is required for their active swimming.

A high-quality filter and heater are crucial to maintain a stable and clean environment.

Decorations and plants should be safe and comfortable for the fish, while also adding visual appeal to the tank.

Tank Size

For Black Moor Goldfish health and growth, a minimum of a 20-gallon tank is recommended. The tank size is important for adequate water volume per fish, allowing enough swimming space and ensuring water quality.

A strong filtration system is essential to control waste and nitrate levels. The aquarium should have areas for swimming and smooth decorations to suit their limited vision. Including live plants is beneficial for oxygen and as a hiding place.

Frequent water changes are necessary to keep the water at the right temperature and cleanliness. Proper lighting is needed to replicate natural light patterns, ensuring the fish are not stressed.

Tank Equipment And Decorations

When setting up a Black Moor Goldfish tank, choose equipment and decorations that meet their needs. This includes creating a safe environment that accounts for their limited vision. Sharp objects must be avoided. Regular water testing is important to keep water conditions ideal, and the temperature should remain consistent at room temperature.

  • Use decorations with smooth edges, like rounded pebbles or driftwood, to prevent injuries.
  • Ensure there is ample space for swimming and places to hide.
  • Have a water testing kit to regularly check water quality.
  • Use equipment to maintain a consistent water temperature.

Health and Wellness

The health of Black Moor Goldfish depends on several factors. These include their diet, water quality, and tank upkeep.

A balanced diet is essential for the well-being of Black Moor Goldfish. Providing them with a variety of foods ensures they receive the necessary nutrients. Feeding them a mix of flakes, pellets, and fresh vegetables is recommended.

Maintaining consistent water pH and temperature is also important. Black Moor Goldfish thrive in water that has a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. Additionally, the water temperature should be kept within the range of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Regular tank cleaning is crucial for the health of these fish. Removing any excess waste and debris helps to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria and maintain water quality.

Finally, keeping an eye out for signs of sickness is essential for their care. If a Black Moor Goldfish appears lethargic, has fin damage, or exhibits abnormal behavior, it may be an indication of illness. Seeking veterinary assistance in such cases is advisable.


To maintain the health of Black Moor goldfish, a balanced omnivorous diet is important due to their poor eyesight. These fish require food that meets their unique needs. For proper feeding:

  • Provide high-quality flakes or pellets as the main part of their diet.
  • Include frozen or live foods like brine shrimp and small crustaceans for additional nutrients.
  • Add blanched vegetables such as zucchini and lettuce to supply fiber.
  • Feed the fish in small amounts they can eat within 1-2 minutes to avoid overfeeding and water contamination.

Water Parameters

Maintaining proper water parameters is essential for the health of Black Moor Goldfish. Monitoring temperature, pH levels, and water cleanliness is necessary. Stable temperature and pH are important to avoid stress and illness. Below is a table of the necessary water parameters for Black Moor Goldfish:

ParameterIdeal RangeImportance
Temperature (°F)65 – 72Regulates metabolism, prevents shock
pH Level6.0 – 8.0Essential for normal bodily functions
Water Changes30% weeklyEliminates harmful nitrates, maintains cleanliness
Filtration Rate4 times/hourOxygenates and purifies aquarium water
Tank PlacementAvoid sunlightReduces temperature fluctuations

Regular water changes and proper filtration are crucial for maintaining water quality. Ensuring good water conditions and reducing harmful nitrates is important for the safety of Carassius auratus auratus, as indicated in the Black Moor Goldfish Care Guide.

Tank Maintenance

Regular tank maintenance is essential for Black Moor Goldfish health. Perform a weekly 30% water change to keep the environment clean and reduce health risks. Use an aquarium vacuum to remove organic waste and leftover food, which can affect the fish’s digestion.

Add a bacteria booster during maintenance to maintain a balanced ecosystem, important for Black Moor Goldfish and their tank mates. Ensure the tank has no sharp edges to prevent injuries. Provide a varied diet and ensure stable water conditions with a temperature of 65 to 72 Fahrenheit and a pH level of 6.0 to 8.0.

Common Diseases

Black Moor Goldfish often face health issues such as cloudy eye, swim bladder disease, white spot disease (ich), bacterial infections, and flukes. These conditions are common in Fancy goldfish, also known as Dragon Eyes, due to their specific physical characteristics and care needs.

  • Cloudy eye may result from poor water quality or injury.
  • Swim Bladder Disease frequently affects round-bodied fish and can occur with incorrect feeding practices.
  • White Spot Disease (ich) affects fish with compromised immune systems, which may occur in females stressed during breeding.
  • Flukes are external parasites that can enter a tank through live food or new fish that are not properly quarantined.

Personality Traits

Black Moor goldfish are preferred for peaceful community aquariums due to their gentle behavior. They are calm and compatible with other non-aggressive fish, making them ideal for a harmonious tank environment.

These goldfish have poor vision because of their large eyes, which can put them at a disadvantage with faster fish. It is important to choose tank mates that are not competitive, to prevent stress and ensure they can feed properly. Black Moors are slow swimmers and do best with similarly behaved goldfish.

Black Moors are resilient, making them suitable for both novice and experienced aquarists. They can adapt to various water conditions but flourish in a well-kept tank with plenty of room for their long veil tails. Sharp objects should be avoided in the tank to prevent injury to their tails.

Feeding Black Moor goldfish a diet of quality flakes, pellets, and occasional treats is essential for their health and promotes their friendly nature. Proper care and appropriate tank mates contribute to a long and peaceful life for these goldfish in an aquarium setting.

Compatible Aquarium Companions

Choosing the right tank mates for Black Moor Goldfish is essential for a peaceful aquarium. Compatible fish should not be faster swimmers or aggressive toward the Black Moor Goldfish, which have limited vision and swim slowly.

Suitable tank mates for Black Moor Goldfish include:

  • Round-bodied goldfish like Fantails and Orandas, which have similar needs and swimming speeds.
  • Peaceful invertebrates such as shrimp and snails, as they won’t disturb the Black Moor Goldfish.
  • Calm shoaling fish, provided they don’t outcompete the Black Moors for food.
  • Large, slow-moving fish with a non-aggressive nature that won’t intimidate or dominate the Black Moors.

When introducing new fish to a tank with Black Moor Goldfish, observe their interactions to ensure compatibility. Adjustments might be required to keep the tank environment stable. Careful selection and monitoring allow for a diverse aquarium community without jeopardizing the Black Moor Goldfish’s health.

Reproduction Tips

Reproduction is key for Black Moor Goldfish well-being. Start with a breeding tank that duplicates their natural habitat, including water conditions and decor. This environment encourages spawning.

To initiate breeding, raise the tank’s water temperature to about 75°F to simulate spring, their natural spawning season. Observe the males circling females as a sign of readiness to mate.

Females will lay eggs on flat surfaces, and males will fertilize them. Afterward, remove the adult fish to protect the eggs.

Feed the fry specialized food multiple times daily until they can eat crushed flakes or baby Artemia. This will support their growth.

The Black Peony goldfish, a related species, can be bred similarly.

Patience and care in breeding Black Moors are rewarding for aquarists.

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