Dragon Eye Goldfish (Care Guide)

unique and beautiful fish

The Dragon Eye Goldfish is a type of fancy goldfish known for its round body and long eye stalks. They are popular among fish enthusiasts for their calm nature and unique swimming style.

These fish require specific water conditions and diet for good health. Proper care is important for their longevity and well-being, which is often discussed by fish keepers.

General Characteristics

The Dragon Eye goldfish has a unique look, with a spherical body and large, protruding eyes on stalks.

These decorative fish usually live for 10 to 15 years and grow to about 6 inches long, excluding the tail.

Recognizing their physical features, like color and pattern differences, is important for their care and to value their distinctiveness.


Dragon Eye goldfish have distinctive features such as prominent eyes on extended stalks and a long body with metallic scales. They come in colors like red, orange, and black.

Their long fins make their swimming appear graceful. They usually grow to 6-8 inches and have protruding eyes, which is characteristic of their breed.

They are a popular choice for aquariums.


Dragon Eye goldfish usually live 10 to 15 years but can reach 20 to 30 years with optimal care. These egg-laying fish need proper care early on to avoid stunted growth and health problems later.

They grow up to 6 inches long, excluding tails, with most growth in the first years. A spacious environment is critical for their health. At least a 10-gallon tank is required, with more space for each additional fish to allow enough room and prevent waste buildup, which can cause health issues.

Regular water changes and a balanced diet are vital for their health.


Dragon Eye goldfish, also known as Telescope goldfish, typically grow to be 6-8 inches in length, making them medium-sized among goldfish varieties. Their growth is affected by their diet and tank conditions.

It is important to provide a large tank to ensure each inch of the fish has enough space to move and stay healthy. Adequate tank space is crucial for their health and development, especially because of their distinctive eye shape which affects their swimming.

Aquarium Preparation

To prepare a suitable environment for Dragon Eye Goldfish, there are a few key steps to follow.

First, choose an aquarium of at least 10 gallons to allow for growth and the addition of more fish in the future. This will ensure that the fish have enough space to swim and thrive.

Next, install a strong filtration system in the aquarium. This is crucial for maintaining the necessary water quality for the fish. A good filtration system will help remove any waste or toxins from the water, keeping it clean and healthy for the fish.

When it comes to decorating the aquarium, it’s important to provide a safe and engaging habitat for the Dragon Eye Goldfish. Use smooth objects, such as rocks or driftwood, as decor. These will not only add visual appeal to the aquarium but also provide hiding spots for the fish.

Consider adding live plants to the aquarium as well. Live plants can help improve water quality, provide oxygen, and create a more natural environment for the fish. Just be sure to choose plants that are compatible with the needs of the Dragon Eye Goldfish.

Tank Size

Dragon Eye goldfish can grow up to 6 inches long, not including their tail. They require a minimum of a 10-gallon tank for adequate space.

For optimal wellbeing, a 20-gallon tank is recommended for one fish. Larger tanks provide better oxygen exchange and stability, which are important for the fish’s health and lifespan.

Tank Equipment And Decorations

It is crucial to provide a well-equipped and decorated tank for the well-being and stimulation of Dragon Eye goldfish.

  • Filtration System: Install a robust filter to maintain water clarity and control waste. A quality filtration system lessens the need for frequent water changes.
  • Decorations and Plants: Incorporate rocks, caves, and either live or synthetic plants, ensuring all decorations are free of sharp edges. Position decorations at the tank edges to minimize plant disturbance from swimming and to leave ample room for movement.

A heater is also necessary to maintain a consistent water temperature of 65-75°F (18-24°C). Proper equipment and decoration contribute to a clean, stimulating, and secure habitat for Dragon Eye goldfish.

Optimal Care Practices

For the well-being and long life of Dragon Eye Goldfish, proper care is crucial.

Provide a balanced diet suited to their dietary requirements.

Closely monitor and control water conditions.

Perform consistent tank maintenance to avoid common illnesses.

Following these guidelines will help maintain a healthy habitat for Dragon Eye Goldfish.


Dragon Eye goldfish require a balanced diet for health and vitality. This includes high-quality pellets, vegetables, and proteins. To ensure their dietary needs are met, follow these recommendations:

  • Use high-quality pellets suitable for fancy goldfish as the main food. Choose the correct size for each fish.
  • Offer protein sources such as brine shrimp, either live or frozen, in moderation.
  • Provide fresh vegetables to aid in digestion and prevent constipation.

Feed the fish small portions two to three times a day. Avoid overfeeding and keep the tank clean to support their diet.

Water Parameters

Dragon Eye goldfish require water temperatures to be kept between 65-75°F (18-24°C) for optimal health. Keeping water parameters stable is important to avoid stress and potential health issues, such as bacterial infections. The pH level should be maintained between 6.5 and 7.5. Ammonia and nitrite levels must be consistently monitored and kept at 0 ppm. It is recommended to use a reliable water testing kit for regular monitoring.

ParameterOptimal Range
Temperature65-75°F (18-24°C)
pH Level6.5-7.5
Ammonia/Nitrite0 ppm

To maintain these water parameters, it’s important to change 10-20% of the water per gallon regularly.

Tank Maintenance

To maintain high water quality for Dragon Eye goldfish, perform weekly water changes of up to 30% of the tank volume. Use an aquarium vacuum to remove organic waste and detritus from the substrate, focusing on areas under the filter box and in the corners.

A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is preferred for these goldfish, but at least 10 gallons is required for young ones. Choose smooth decorations to protect the fish’s eyes.

Introducing hardy live plants can improve water quality by providing oxygen and absorbing nitrates, although Dragon Eye goldfish might eat or uproot them.

Common Diseases

Maintaining a Dragon Eye goldfish’s health requires attention to prevent common diseases such as fin rot, ich, and swim bladder disorders. These fish, related to Black Moor and Telescope goldfish, are prone to certain conditions due to their unique shapes and features. Proper care includes:

  • Monitoring water quality and temperature consistently to prevent diseases like fin rot and ich, which is especially important for Dragon Eye goldfish, a type of Prussian carp.
  • Providing a balanced diet and following quarantine procedures to reduce overfeeding and digestive problems, as well as to prevent the spread of diseases among fish.

Use spawning mops during breeding to keep the environment clean and reduce disease risk. Regular checks and immediate treatment are essential to keep your Dragon Eye goldfish healthy.

Temperament Traits

Dragon Eye goldfish are calm, making them good for community aquariums with other non-aggressive fish. They are peaceful and can live with other non-predatory fish. These goldfish are gentle and playful, often chasing each other and interacting with their environment.

They are curious and can recognize their owners, which makes them interactive pets. However, they may nibble on aquarium plants, so it’s best to choose hardy plants.

Keeping Dragon Eye goldfish healthy requires a clean aquarium and a diet of quality pellets and live or frozen foods. They need regular water changes and close monitoring due to their sensitivity to water conditions.

Breeding Dragon Eye goldfish is complex and needs careful planning and a controlled environment to protect the fry. Proper breeding care is important to maintain their calm and engaging nature, similar to fantail goldfish.

Compatible Tank Companions

Dragon Eye goldfish are compatible with Ranchu, Oranda, and Ryukin goldfish due to similar temperaments and care needs. When choosing tank mates, ensure species compatibility for a peaceful main tank environment.

Suitable tank companions for Dragon Eye goldfish include:

  • Goldfish Varieties: Ranchu, Oranda, and Ryukin. These varieties are well-suited to goldfish-specific conditions and require at least 20 gallons of water per fish for sufficient space and water quality.
  • Other Compatible Species: White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Rosy Barbs, Bristlenose Plecos, Otocinclus Catfish, and Snails (Nerite and Mystery). These species are non-aggressive and share similar water requirements with goldfish. Snails also help maintain tank cleanliness by eating algae and leftover food.

Avoid adding fin-nipping or aggressive fish to prevent harm to the Dragon Eye goldfish’s delicate fins.

Reproduction Practices

To foster a successful breeding environment for Dragon Eye goldfish, aquarists should establish a dedicated 20-gallon spawning tank that emulates their natural habitat, complete with appropriate flora and stable water conditions. The tank should provide numerous surfaces for the goldfish to spawn upon, such as plants or spawning mops. Maintaining a temperature range conducive to spawning behavior is critical, as is ensuring the fish are well-fed with high-quality foods to encourage readiness to spawn.

Dragon Eye goldfish are egg layers and exhibit spawning behaviors when conditions replicate their natural environment. The breeding process should aim to stimulate natural triggers that prompt the fish to reproduce. It is important to note that it is nearly impossible to breed Dragon Eye goldfish before they reach maturity, making it challenging to select breeding pairs. However, once a female is around a male during the breeding season, spawning will usually occur.

After spawning, the female will scatter her eggs over the provided surfaces. At this point, it is essential to need to remove the adult fish from the spawning tank to prevent them from eating the eggs. The eggs will hatch within a few days to a week, depending on the water temperature. Close monitoring is required to safeguard the eggs from fungal infections and other hazards.

Selective breeding is also a significant aspect of propagating Dragon Eye goldfish. Breeders should carefully choose parents that exhibit desirable traits, such as large, prominent eyes, to ensure these characteristics are passed on to the fry. Successfully raising the fry involves transferring them to a separate tank and providing them with appropriate nutrition and water conditions to promote healthy growth into mature, show-quality Dragon Eye goldfish.

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