Pearlscale Goldfish (Care Guide)

aquarium fish with rounded scales

The Pearlscale Goldfish is known for its round body and shiny scales. It comes from East Asia and is popular among fish keepers because it is strong and can be kept by people with different levels of experience.

However, to keep Pearlscale Goldfish healthy, one must understand what they need for food and their environment. Proper tank setup is important, along with knowing how they behave with other fish. It’s crucial to have good knowledge to make sure these fish thrive.

Essential Species Insights

The Pearlscale goldfish is characterized by a round body and scales that resemble pearls. It lives for 5 to 10 years with proper care.

Adult Pearlscales grow to 6 to 8 inches and require large tanks for optimal health and display.


Pearlscale goldfish, known scientifically as Carassius auratus, are recognized for their round body shape and unique scales that resemble pearls. These scales give them a look similar to a golf ball.

Originating from China, these goldfish were bred specifically for their distinctive scales. They come in various colors such as red, blue, black, and calico, and have long fins and a split tailfin that contribute to their smooth swimming.

Pearlscales typically grow to about 4 inches and need large tanks or ponds to accommodate their size and to show off their scales and body shape effectively.


Pearlscale goldfish typically live between 5 to 10 years, but some may reach 15 years with proper care. They are susceptible to health problems if not kept in suitable conditions.

Their lifespan depends on maintaining water quality, with temperatures appropriate for freshwater fish and a specific gravity below 1.025.

A balanced diet with no more than 30% protein and plenty of fiber-rich vegetables is essential for their health. Poor conditions and diet can shorten their lifespan.


Understanding Pearlscale goldfish growth is essential. They usually grow to 6-8 inches, but their size depends on genetics, diet, and environment. A spacious tank is necessary for their development.

Young fish can live in smaller tanks, but adults need at least 20 gallons. Experts recommend larger tanks for goldfish, as some may grow to 10 inches. Enough space is important for their growth, health, and lifespan.

Aquarium Preparation Essentials

Setting up an aquarium properly is crucial before adding pearlscale goldfish. Ensure a minimum of 10 gallons of water for each fish. Include the required equipment and decor to recreate a natural setting.

Stable water conditions and choosing compatible fish are important for a thriving aquarium.

Tank Size

A pearlscale goldfish requires at least a 10-gallon aquarium for adequate space and health. They grow to 6-8 inches, so larger tanks are better to avoid overcrowding, with an additional 10 gallons per extra fish.

Effective filtration is necessary to control nitrate levels and keep pH neutral. Regular water changes are important to reduce waste.

An elongated tank shape improves swimming and helps with scale health.

Choose calm tank mates that won’t aggressively compete for resources.

Tank Equipment And Decorations

To ensure the well-being of pearlscale goldfish, it’s crucial to equip the tank with appropriate items. Smooth decorations are imperative to prevent scale damage.

The necessary equipment includes:

  • An efficient filter to cope with the significant waste pearlscales generate, which also requires weekly water changes.
  • A heater to keep the water temperature consistent, as fluctuations can affect the health of these fish.
  • Subdued lighting to replicate natural light conditions without causing stress.
  • A smooth substrate, like gravel or sand, to avoid injuries to the fish’s scales.
  • Non-toxic plants and safe decorations that offer stimulation and places to hide, while steering clear of sharp edges that could injure the fish.

Health & Wellness Practices

To keep Pearlscale goldfish healthy, it’s important to manage their diet, maintain water quality, and clean the tank regularly.

It’s necessary to watch for diseases, offer a varied and nutritious diet, and keep the water conditions consistent and clean.

Taking these steps helps prevent health problems and ensures the fish’s well-being.


A balanced diet is essential for pearlscale goldfish health. Their diet should include:

  • Soaked flakes and pellets for easier digestion.
  • Weekly vegetables like cucumber and lettuce for fiber.
  • Frozen peas to support digestive health and reduce swim bladder problems.
  • Brine shrimp sometimes for protein.
  • Extra calcium for scale and bone health.

Water Parameters

Monitoring and controlling water parameters in an aquarium is essential for the health of pearlscale goldfish. They require stable conditions to avoid stress and potential health problems. Due to their high waste production, maintaining water quality through efficient filtration and routine water changes is necessary.

The ideal water temperature for pearlscale goldfish is between 65-72°F (18-22°C). It’s important to avoid cold temperatures to prevent stress. A pH level around 7 is crucial for their well-being. Regular monitoring and maintenance of water cleanliness are required due to the significant waste goldfish produce.

Maintaining a well-oxygenated aquarium with a balanced environment is straightforward and can help in preventing diseases, ensuring the pearlscale goldfish remains in good health.

Tank Maintenance

Tank maintenance is essential for the health of Pearlscale Goldfish. It requires weekly water changes of 25% to 33% to keep the water clean and free of toxins. Decorations with sharp edges should be avoided to prevent injury to the fish’s sensitive scales.

A balanced diet is important to prevent digestive problems and swim bladder disease. Regularly check water parameters and temperature to ensure a stable environment.

Watch the fish daily for any signs of stress or disease to address issues quickly and maintain their health.

Common Diseases

Pearlscale goldfish are generally hardy but can suffer from swim bladder disease, which affects their buoyancy and health.

  • Symptoms of swim bladder disease include a swollen belly, abnormal floating, or the fish leaning to one side, which is particularly problematic for the naturally slow Pearlscale Goldfish.
  • This condition can often result from overfeeding or a diet high in dry food.
  • Fin rot is another issue that may develop due to poor water quality or rough handling, harming the Pearlscale’s intricate fins.
  • Feeding live foods can improve nutrition but must be done carefully to prevent disease.
  • Using a separate breeding tank for Pearlscales is crucial to reduce stress and protect both adults and fry from disease.

Personality Traits

Pearlscale goldfish are known for their gentle and friendly nature, making them suitable for beginner aquarium owners. They interact well with other fish, which allows for their integration into community tanks. Their unique swimming style, caused by their rounded shape, is notable and often seen as entertaining.

As goldfish, Pearlscales are inherently slow swimmers, which aligns with their calm demeanor and minimizes competition in the tank. Their slow pace helps maintain a peaceful tank environment, but care should be taken to not pair them with fast or aggressive fish that might dominate them.

The Pearlscale is a relatively recent addition to the goldfish category and is distinguished by its pearl-like scales and potential head growth, which can enhance the visual appeal of an aquarium. However, it’s worth noting that male Pearlscales may exhibit increased aggression during breeding season, which is common in many fish species.

For optimal health, Pearlscales require a clean tank and a proper diet. Their intelligence allows them to learn and adapt to their surroundings. Due to their pleasant nature and distinctive look, Pearlscales are a popular choice among aquarists.

Compatible Aquarium Companions

The Pearlscale goldfish is a sociable species suitable for shared tanks. When choosing tank mates, consider temperament, swimming speed, and dietary habits to keep a balanced and stress-free environment.

Pearlscale goldfish have round bodies and distinctive scales. They are peaceful and slow due to their shape. They do best with similar fish.

Consider these points for choosing tank mates for Pearlscale goldfish:

  • Fish with long fins like Black Moor or Oranda goldfish can live with Pearlscales. They swim at similar speeds and have similar temperaments.
  • Fantail Goldfish, which have a fan-shaped tail and are peaceful, are good companions for Pearlscales. Both prefer calm water in tanks or ponds.
  • Ryukin Goldfish, with their humped backs and deep bodies, are also compatible. They are peaceful and have similar care needs.
  • Mystery snails are suitable non-fish companions. They move slowly, eat algae, and help keep the tank clean. They are also large enough not to be eaten by goldfish.
  • Avoid fast swimmers like comet goldfish. They can outcompete Pearlscales for food and may cause fin nipping.

Reproduction Essentials

To successfully breed Pearlscale goldfish, it’s advised to arrange a separate breeding tank with suitable plants or spawning mops. These structures allow eggs to attach securely after the fish spawn. Creating an environment similar to their natural habitat is critical for inducing breeding behavior.

Female Pearlscale goldfish can lay over 1,000 eggs during one spawning session, with the possibility of multiple spawnings over a few days.

In the breeding season, males pursue females energetically as part of the mating process. The male fertilizes the eggs as the female releases them, and the spawning mops or plants catch the eggs to protect them from being consumed or moved.

The eggs hatch in a few days, influenced by water temperature and conditions. Starting with water at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and increasing by two degrees daily encourages breeding. After hatching, fry feed on their yolk sac, then require powdered food or infusoria for growth.

When breeding Pearlscale goldfish, choose non-aggressive tank mates to ensure a calm breeding environment.

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