Veiltail Goldfish (Care Guide)

ornamental freshwater fish variety

The Veiltail Goldfish is known for its long fins and bright colors. It is a breed that has been developed through selective breeding. This type of goldfish needs a specific type of care that reflects their sensitivity.

Their tank should be large and well-maintained to protect their fins and keep them calm. Proper care includes the right diet, clean water, and suitable tank mates. The success in keeping Veiltail Goldfish healthy depends on the aquarist’s commitment to these care requirements.

Managing their environment is essential but can be challenging and rewarding.

Species Essentials

Veiltail goldfish are characterized by their long, flowing tails and bright colors. They can live up to 15 years and grow to about 7 inches.

Proper space, diet, and environmental conditions are essential for their health and lifespan.


The veiltail goldfish is known for its unique and striking appearance. It has an oval body shape and a colorful, flowing tail and fins. Its straight dorsal fin and long, double tail add to its decorative appeal.

The veiltail goldfish is characterized by its broad head and rounded belly, as well as its long fins that resemble feathers. The double tail is split into two parts, creating a smooth and elegant movement.

One of the most notable features of the veiltail goldfish is its vibrant coloration, which is typically red and orange. This makes them easily noticeable in an aquarium setting.

With a rounded body and prominent fins, these goldfish can grow to about 7 inches in length, often becoming the focal point of an aquarium.


Veiltail goldfish typically live 10-15 years, but with proper care, their lifespan can reach up to 20 years. These fish need a well-maintained water environment to stay healthy.

Their long fins are prone to damage and disease, so it’s crucial to keep their water clean through regular changes. A spacious tank is important to give them room to swim and to minimize waste accumulation.

Proper filtration and a balanced diet are essential to enhance the veiltail goldfish’s longevity and well-being.


Size is crucial for veiltail goldfish health and growth, with adults reaching up to 7 inches long. Their egg-shaped bodies and long, thin tails require ample space.

A minimum 20-gallon tank is needed for one fish, allowing 1 inch of fish per gallon. However, a 30-gallon tank is recommended to prevent fin damage and promote well-being.

Aquarium Preparation

To properly care for veiltail goldfish, start by choosing the right size tank. Ensure the water conditions are correct and select a good substrate for their health.

Also, use a good filter and choose appropriate decorations to mimic their natural environment and improve their living conditions.

Tank Size

Select a tank of at least 20 gallons for a single veiltail goldfish to ensure its health. Veiltail goldfish require a medium-sized gravel substrate to protect their fins and support beneficial bacteria growth.

Use a highly efficient filter to handle waste and keep the water clear. A larger tank surface is important for oxygen exchange and the health of the fish.

Add 30 gallons of water for each additional fish to provide sufficient space for swimming and companions. Conduct regular water changes to maintain cleanliness.

Tank Equipment And Decorations

The proper tank size for veiltail goldfish having been addressed, it is important to focus on the necessary tank equipment and decorations to ensure a secure and engaging habitat for these fish.

  • Filtration System: A filtration system is crucial as it handles the high waste output of goldfish and maintains stable water temperatures to prevent swim bladder problems.
  • Decorations: Smooth rocks and driftwood should be included to provide safe surfaces for the fish without causing fin damage. Both artificial and live plants can be added to enhance the tank’s aesthetics and help maintain water quality.
  • Specialized Equipment: For breeding purposes, items such as spawning mops are beneficial. Medium-sized gravel is recommended because it allows for natural foraging and is safe for the fins.

These components are vital for creating an optimal living environment that meets the diverse requirements of veiltail goldfish.

Veiltail Goldfish Maintenance

Maintaining veiltail goldfish requires a balanced diet. Strict water quality control is another important aspect of their care. Frequent cleaning is also necessary to keep their environment clean and healthy.

In addition to these measures, it is crucial to regularly monitor for diseases and respond quickly if any issues arise. By following these steps, veiltail goldfish owners can ensure that their fish are in a healthy and thriving environment.


A balanced diet is important for veiltail goldfish health. This includes high-quality pellets, fish flakes, and additional meat-based proteins. To keep your veiltail in good condition, consider these dietary guidelines:

Quality Food:

  • Pellets/Flakes: Choose high-quality to prevent fish diseases.
  • Live Food: Offer brine shrimp and similar live foods for essential nutrients.

Feeding Guidelines:

  • Frequency: Feed the goldfish two to three times a day to prevent overfeeding.
  • Equality: Make sure all fish have equal access to food.

Health and Appearance:

  • Color: A diverse diet helps maintain scale luster.
  • Health: Good nutrition is key to the fish’s vitality and life span.

Water Parameters

Maintaining the correct water parameters is essential for the health of Veiltail Goldfish. Proper pH levels, temperature, and water cleanliness are necessary. These measures are vital for the well-being of this sensitive type of Carassius auratus.

A consistent pH and suitable temperature are crucial for their health and for keeping their fins healthy. The Philadelphia Veiltail Goldfish especially needs this level of care. The table below lists the essential water parameters for Veiltail Goldfish care:

ParameterIdeal RangeImportance
pH Level7.2 – 7.6Essential for avoiding stress and illness
Water Temperature65°F – 72°FEssential for simulating their natural environment
Ammonia/Nitrite0 ppmEssential to prevent toxic conditions and infections

Tank Maintenance

Water quality is important for veiltail goldfish health. Tank maintenance is a key part of their care, involving regular substrate vacuuming and partial water changes to maintain a clean, oxygen-rich environment.

Smooth rocks or pebbles are recommended to avoid fin damage, as veiltail goldfish are more fragile than common goldfish. A high-rate water filter is necessary for waste management and to provide a suitable living space.

It’s crucial to monitor the fish for any signs of distress and quarantine new arrivals to prevent disease spread.

Common Diseases

Veiltail goldfish owners can safeguard their fish against prevalent illnesses by maintaining clean tanks and observing their fish carefully. It’s important to provide an ideal environment to prevent diseases, as veiltail goldfish are challenging to breed true to their type.

  • Swim Bladder Disease: Common in veiltail goldfish, this condition is recognizable by an unusual swimming posture, often resulting from overfeeding or subpar water conditions.
  • Fin Rot and Bacterial Infections: Look for fraying or discoloration of fins and tail. Immediate medication is necessary for treatment, and smooth tank decorations can help avoid fin injuries.
  • White Spot Disease (Ich): Characterized by small white spots on the skin, gills, and fins. Isolate sick fish to protect tank mates, and ensure proper water quality and stable temperature are maintained.

Social Characteristics

Veiltail goldfish are peaceful and get along well with other non-aggressive fish, making them suitable for community aquariums. They swim slowly and should not be kept with fast fish or fin nippers. They can live with other goldfish types and need enough space to prevent stress from overcrowding.

Veiltails are bottom feeders and thrive with tankmates that don’t interfere with this feeding style. Food should be accessible on the tank bottom. Their behavior may change slightly during spawning, but they generally remain calm.

Tankmates should be chosen to allow for regular interaction without stress for the Veiltails. It’s important to watch for behavior changes, which could signal environmental or health problems. Well-cared-for Veiltails are a tranquil addition to tanks.

Compatible Tank Companions

Choosing suitable tank mates for veiltail goldfish is important for a healthy aquarium. Veiltail goldfish are a type of *Carassius auratus* with distinctive fins and double tails. To avoid stress in the tank, consider these companions:

  • Look for peaceful, slow-moving fish.
  • Fantail goldfish and Japanese Wakin are compatible due to their calm behavior.
  • Large species like ryukins and orandas can coexist with veiltail goldfish, as they share similar needs and are not aggressive.

Include helpful invertebrates:

  • Snails such as nerite or mystery snails help keep the tank clean without bothering the veiltail goldfish.
  • Detritus feeders are beneficial for tank maintenance and live peacefully with goldfish.

Consider bottom-dwellers:

  • Corydoras species, like panda or peppered, are peaceful and stay out of the veiltail’s way by occupying the bottom of the tank.

Avoid aggressive or fast-moving fish that might nip at the veiltail’s fins, such as fancy guppies, bettas, some tetras, and certain loaches. Careful selection of tank mates ensures a tranquil and attractive aquarium for veiltail goldfish.

Reproduction Essentials

Veiltail goldfish, a type of Carassius auratus, require specific conditions for breeding. They mature at 1-2 years old. A separate breeding tank with plants for egg-laying is necessary. A ratio of several males to one female is recommended for effective fertilization. Water should be kept at 70-75°F and pH at 7.0 for breeding.

Spawning can yield up to 10,000 eggs, hatching within a week. Post-hatch, fry need a specialized diet and clean tank for healthy growth. Veiltail goldfish, derived from Silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio), have similar reproductive biology but need careful handling due to their delicate fins.

Proper breeding care ensures the survival of this ornate fish variety.

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